I can’t figure out this, I know it’s been answered around a lot, but trying to figure out if an object is alive or not (exists in the scene or not) in order to activate another object if so, I did this. Obviously it works, the only problem is it keeps working
function Update () {
if (GameObject.Find (ObjectiveName) != null) {
Debug.Log("STILL HERE");
} else {
messageText.text = myString;
What you could do is add a boolean to check for as well to make sure that it is only done once.
Here is how I might do it:
private var doOnce:boolean = true;
function Update () {
if (GameObject.Find (ObjectiveName) != null) {
doOnce = true;
} else {
if(doOnce == true){
doOnce = false;
messageText.text = myString;
It looks as if it should work, maybe use a bool to explicitely control the condition
if (!IsThisThingAlreadyAssigned)
ObjectiveTHing = GameObject.Find (ObjectiveName);
IsThisThingAlreadyAssigned = true;