Update min/max value of Axis Control Y-Axis?

How would I go about increasing the min/max value on the Y-Axis control?

It currently adjusts the camera’s angle between 0 and 1, and I need it to go a little past one (so the camera can effectively point downwards)

I’ve tried adjusting the radius of the top and bottom rig and it’s not working out like I’d expect.

Sorry if this is an obvious answer (I promise I tried searching before posting!)

You can’t go past the rigs.
If you want the camera to look straight down you’d have to set the top rig’s radius to 0.
HOWEVER that will make the composer go crazy (they don’t like to look straight up or down). Best to stop a little short of that.
Can you elaborate a little about what you’re trying to do? Maybe we can find an alternate solution for you.

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Thanks for the reply.

I’m using a free look camera as an over-the-shoulder 3rd person view.

I’m using a camera offset extension that you provided in another thread to offset it to the right of the character I’m following/aiming at.

I also have a target reticle on the UI that I’m using to “select” game objects in range (so the user can pick up/interact)

The problem I’m having is that with my current setup, I can’t interact with items that are close to the character’s feet.

So if it’s a third-person camera, it’s a little behind the character? For the top rig, could you set the lookAt offset to be such that it’s looking at the feet?

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Unfortunately, that doesn’t work. Adjusting the top rig offset creates some strange rotating behavior and never allows me to view the feet.

Just to be clear, I’m using this extension that you provided

I had considered a potential solution may be to update this extension so that it gradually removes the offset the as it transitions from the middle to the top rig (not sure if that would even achieve what im after).

Also, to answer your question, its slightly behind the character, but more to the right.

Setting the offset differently in the top rig implies that it will gradually move as you go from the middle rig to the op rig. That’s built in. I don’t know where the roll is coming from. Try disabling the extension to see if it goes away. Also could you post a picture of the FreeLook inspector?

I believe I may not have something setup properly as I can only update the Aim offset (I think your asking me to update the body offset)

Yes I am suggesting that you change the Aim offset, not the Body offset. Aim controls where the camera points. Right now it’s at the ThirdPersonController. Assuming that the root of that object is somewhere near the head, you could adjust the Y of the TrackedObjectOffset in the Aim to something negative, so that the camera points a little more towards the feet when the top rig is active.

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