Update position of an object to match a high velocity object and still allow OnMouseOver()

Hey, hopefully an easy question to answer.
I have an object (textItem) that needs to follow another object (planeItem). I can achieve this no problem using the following code in Update():

    public static void AlignWithPlane(GameObject textItem, GameObject planeItem, float yOffset = 0.0f, float xOffset = -0.9f, float zOffset = -0.05f)
        var v3Offset = new Vector3(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
        textItem.transform.position = planeItem.transform.TransformPoint(v3Offset);

        textItem.transform.rotation = planeItem.transform.rotation;

However OnMouse* events are not triggered for the textItem when the planeItem is travelling at a high velocity. At slower speeds it is the same but intermittent.

If I understand correctly, the update code is slowly behind the planeItem so while the visual representation is fine (it’s drawn right), the actual collider hasn’t caught up yet?

Is there a way to translate the position of the textItem to the position of the planeItem both with movement and zero movement?

NOTE: I am bound by the rule of not being able to parent the textItem to the planeItem. This is unconditional for the scenario.

I would really appreciate any help. :slight_smile:

Here’s a script that should help you. You’ll need to adjust it for all three axis however.

`using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class FollowObject : MonoBehaviour {

//Holds the vectors for the objects translation.
Vector3 ObjTrans; //Vector3 holding new translation coords.
public float ObjSpeed; //The speed at which the object moves.

	public Transform Object; //The target object for the camera.
	public Vector3 Offset;     //An offset for the Object from the target object.

    public Vector2 NegBounds;  //Bounding volumes to signal when the Object should be updated.
    public Vector2 PosBounds;  //Bounding volumes to signal when the Object should be updated.

    bool update_x=false;              //Signals when the Object should be updated.
    bool update_y=false;

    // Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
		ObjTrans.x = this.transform.position.x;
		ObjTrans.y = this.transform.position.y;
		ObjTrans.z = this.transform.position.z;

	void Update()
	   //Check to see if our object is outside of the follow bounding volume.
    public void Follow() //!< Sets the transform for the Object to follow another specified object on the y axis. Takes a reference to said object. Must be updated in a scene loop.
		if(update_x && update_y)
			ObjTrans = new Vector3(Object.position.x,Object.position.y,Offset.z);
	    else if(update_x && !update_y)
		  ObjTrans = new Vector3(Object.position.x,this.transform.position.y,Offset.z);
	    else if(!update_x && update_y)
		  ObjTrans = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x,Object.position.y,Offset.z);
	    transform.position= Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,ObjTrans,Time.deltaTime*ObjSpeed);

    void UpdateBoundingVolumes()
	  NegBounds.x = transform.position.x - Offset.x;
	  NegBounds.y = transform.position.y - Offset.y;
	  PosBounds.x = transform.position.x + Offset.x;
	  PosBounds.y = transform.position.y + Offset.y;


Hope it helps. Copy this, save it, put it in your project. Add it as a component to the object you want to be following. Assign the other object follow in the editor.