Update to vuforia 7.2 fail, "Failed to locate Unity.exe"

I have the Unity 2018.2 and the Vuforia 7.1

I’m trying update to Vuforia 7.2 but when is instalating requires a destination folder and after appears a pop-up writen “Failed to locate Unity.exe”.

I read about select the folder program files/unity but doesn’t works and don’t exist many informations beyond that.

I hope you guys can help me. Thanks!



Same here…HELP!!

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Same here!!!

Any Updates on this issue ?

I got my Unity Version 2018.2.0f2 that I installed via the Unity Hub to work with a work around.
This issue with the Vuforia installer looked like a file path issue, so I copied my Unity installation directory to the directory it would have been if I did not use the Hub, installed Vuforia ‘UnitySetup-Vuforia-AR-Support-for-Editor-2018.1’ and then copied the new Unity directory back to my Unity Hub directory. My project opened and shows Vuforia 7.2.23

Copy: C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2018.2.0f2 => C:\Program Files\Unity\2018.2.0f2
Installed: UnitySetup-Vuforia-AR-Support-for-Editor-2018.1
Copy: C:\Program Files\Unity\2018.2.0f2 => C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2018.2.0f2


Any solutions here? Not using hub…

Same Issue here, Any updates on this problem?

I copied Unity.exe in a new folder:
C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor

then I could install Vuforia.

Then I copied the generated files in my preferred Unity Version.

It works


It is just a stupid error in the installation program… just use as destination folder C:\Program Files\Unity or wherever you have your unity installation folder… just forget about the \Editor and it will work


Thanks bibaceta
This worked for me with Unity 2018.2.9 and VuforiaSupportInstaller-Windows-7-5-20

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I had the same problem but because I’m using Unity Hub, here is how to solve this problem if you have Unity Hub:

  1. Open Unity Hub and find the version you want to install the Support, in my case WebGL support

  2. Then find the support lib and add the component to this Unity version

  3. Then finally you wait, there’s no progress but there’s a indication of installing component on the place of the 3 dots, once it disappears it means component installed.

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I have my Unity installed in C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor but it shows me the same error… any other idea or workaround?

I installed in C:\Program Files\Unity not in C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor. Then I solved.


Thanks for noting this issue.

The workaround, as mentioned previously, is to set a folder to the parent folder of “Editor” folder.
For example, instead of selecting “C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor”, please select “C:/Program Files/Unity”
EDIT: make sure Unity.exe is located inside folder named “Editor”.

I’ve created a report about this issue. The progress can be followed in our public Issue Tracker: Unity Issue Tracker - [Vuforia][Windows] Vuforia package fails to install with "Failed to locate Unity.exe" when path is not set to Unity/

Lukas Andriejunas
Customer QA Team


I tried everything above… nothing worked…

Wow, u are the best, dude. Its rly workable! Thank u whery much, dude!!!


For me the path which the “Unity.exe” is located is as below:
‘C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.3.0a2\Editor’

When you run “UnitySetup-Vuforia-AR-Support-for-Editor-2018.4.exe” it asks for destination folder. Now you have to:

  1. Exit unity editor if it is already running cause it will hang and you have to ‘End Task’ it through Task Manager.
  2. Select "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.3.0a2" as the destination path:

Good Luck,


Я установил в C: \ Program Files \ Unity, а не в C: \ Program Files \ Unity \ Editor. Тогда я решил.

Помогло спасибо.

Simple and it WORKS!!!

Issue solved :
“C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.1.0f2\Editor” just remove the last “Editor” part and it should work fine.
Give file location like “C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.1.0f2”

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