i’m creating an automatic updater for my game, and I am working now in a concept proof. The thing is, I ve created a project put some code over there and built a standalone version, then i ve modified the project (Scripts and GameObjects) built another standalone version and in order to update the version 1 to version 2, i just copied the mainData, sharedassets0.assets and the Assembly - CSharp.dll files to the GameData folder of the standalone version 1.
Well it worked fine !
I dont know if I am right but, the .exe file doesnt change, so in order to update my game to newest version I dont have to create a Binary Diff of the executable, but instead, just update some files in the Data Folder.
Is it gonna work for big projects ?
How Unity handle this things ?
Thanks in Advance !!
Glad to know that carlos_himura!
Here at our project we are starting to think about an automatic updater and we were thinking of doing a binary diff and stuff to get it working. But since you have already done some tests and it works fine without it, it seems that we can discard that and go for a “Game Data Diff”…
Only thing now, as you said, is to be sure that this will work for big projects…
Doesn’t anyone at unity has an answer or some pointers about that?!
Please, give us at least a “no comments” answer.
thanx !
thats right, the exe never changes.
assets are stored in distinct files depending on scenes, resources folder etc and will thus end in multiple sharedassets files. that should help on the updating front.
what you might be missing there, unless you don’t use JS / boo, is that those will end in own dlls.