Updates to HumanSegmentationDepthImages sample scene required

I’ve read this thread

Anyone have an eta on when updates to HumanSegmentationDepthImages sample scene can be expected?
The last addition over a couple weeks back was the addition of a skeleton demo

The existing human segmentation sample scene is IMHO not really useful except as a proof that depth and segmentation info can be leveraged from ARKit3.
I ( and I’m sure many others!) have ideas involving depth and occlusion I want to execute but cannot proceed until there are updates.


Bump this.

Definitely needs to be a little more easy to extract and manipulate the stencil image. Spent all weekend trying to figure how the red stencil works but couldn’t figure it out.


Is anyone at Unity seeing this? Any updates? A working example would be great :slight_smile:

There is an example metal shader Effecting People Occlusion in Custom Renderers | Apple Developer Documentation

I have a somewhat working version but it’s probably better to wait for the implementation from unity.

Thanks for the link!