Hi everybody,
We wanted to let you know that we are updating our Terms of Service, effective December 4, 2020, to introduce the Unity Package Guidelines for packages made available within the Unity Editor.
Why are we doing this now?
We have seen a growing number of third parties, including vendors, misusing packages to mass distribute their products and services from within the Unity Editor without necessary quality controls. Unchecked, this will potentially compromise the Unity ecosystem with products or services that capture data without appropriate controls, inject unwanted functionality in users’ projects, or that will misrepresent themselves as being Unity built, sanctioned or supported. This circumvents the protections provided to Unity and our users via the authorized channels (e.g., the Unity Asset Store, Verified Solutions Partners) and the various agreements that govern use of Unity products and services.
With these new Package Guidelines and the Terms of Service update, it is our intent to provide more transparency and trust around what is provided within the Unity Editor.
We want to give you insights into the principles we used to drive the Package Guidelines.
Our principles
Open. We believe Unity users should be free to choose the products and services they want, including ones that are competitive to those offered by Unity. Unity users can also distribute their own or third party packages to their direct and indirect teams, provided the packages comply with the new Package Guidelines. Third parties (including vendors of products or services competitive to Unity’s) can, and very often do, use Unity’s Asset Store to distribute to Unity users. Additionally, these third parties can make their packages available via their own channels (e.g. website, GitHub, etc.).
Fair. We work hard to bring you best-in-class products and this requires investment. Having third party vendors circumvent our authorized channels and business models, such as the Unity Asset Store and programs such as Verified Solutions Partners, compromises our ability to re-invest in our products and services to serve you.
Safe. We will protect our community from being misled by unauthorized vendors who are using the editor as a marketing channel. This potentially compromises the Unity ecosystem with products and services that may be harmful, capture data without appropriate controls or misrepresent themselves as being Unity built, sanctioned or supported.
You can see the updated Terms of Service and the new Package Guidelines. All package creators using the Unity Editor as a distribution platform have 30 days to comply with these new guidelines.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at terms@unity3d.com.