Updating Custom Event's?

Hi all, I’m really not sure how to explain this, so bear with me

If I make a custom event, can I have it updating it’s values instead instead sending a new event?

Say for example I want to track the level of the users, I would send an event on load or death etc. of what their current level is, but I don’t want it adding more each time they play, I just want to update their level

Can somebody give me some input on this? Is this possible? Would it be possible? Do I even want this? Am I looking at it in the completely wrong way?

Thanks all and sorry for the bad explanation

Hey @QFSW ,

Unfortunately there is no way to rewrite a custom event. However, if you’re trying to see the max level a player has reached, here’s what you could do:

  1. Create a level up event “LevelUp”, where the parameter to this custom event is the level - sent as string (i.e., “Level 1” instead of “1”).
  2. In Data Explorer, you’ll be able to see a distribution of how many players completed the “LevelUp” event.

Assuming your levels are linear (so a player must complete Level 1 in order to complete Level 2), to find out how many players have completed level X as their highest level, use the following equation:

of players who’s highest level is X

= (# of players who’ve completed Level X) - (# of players who’ve completed level X + 1)

As an example, if these are following numbers:
Level 1 complete = 100
Level 2 complete = 80
Level 3 complete = 50

Here are the results:

of players who’s highest level is 3 = 50

of players who’s highest level is 2 = 30 (80 - 50)

of players who’s highest level is 1 = 20 (100 - 80)

Hope this helps!

Hmm, ok I believe that I understand how your solution works, would it be appropriate to also create a funnel analyser and add each level as a step? Thank you for that btw

One thing I do not understand is using strings in custom parameters, I know it uses analysis points on how many different possibilities there are, but how is this calculated? Is there a way to limit or restrict it to a few key words?


Yup, you could also create a funnel where each step is a level up event. One thing to note is that Funnels are linear - this means that a player must complete the funnel steps in the exact order that you have setup your funnel.

As a simple example, let’s say you have a game with distinct numeric levels (i.e, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3) that are linear (i.e., you must complete Level 2 before completing Level 3 and so on).

If you create a funnel with the following funnel steps:
Step 1 = Level 1
Step 2 = Level 3
Step 3 = Level 2
Step 4 = Level 4

The above funnel will show players in Step 1 and Step 2, however there will be no players in Step 3 and Step 4. This is because no players have completed the event Level 3, prior to completing the event Level 2. A player must be a member of the preceding funnel step in order to fall into the next step of the funnel.

This forum post has examples on how Analysis Points are currently calculated. I’m not sure what you mean by limit/restrict to a few key words, because you define the string parameters that you send to Unity Analytics.

Hi, thank you for that I appreciate it
I don’t know if i’m overlooking something obvious or just don’t understand, but in what ways is how many different possibilities there are for the string calculated
Say I want to use the string for:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
How would I do it so that parameter only uses 5 analysis points? Is it UA side or code side?

Thanks again for the support :slight_smile:

Hey @QFSW ,

This is done on the code side - you pass us the Level X parameter values as strings.

Using the custom event “LevelUp” with the parameter “LevelNum” as an example, if there are only 5 levels in your game:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Then the parameter “LevelNum” can only take on 5 possible string values, so this parameter costs 5 Analysis Points.

Hope this clarifies things :slight_smile: