Updating Player Settings with code

Hi everyone!
I have a trouble with updatings player settings with my editor script.
I have 4 versions of my game with different settings (Android free, android paid, iOS free, iOS paid)
All versions have different Product names, bundle ids and icons.
The problem is that when I update icons with my code and try to build a game, the icons appear to be unassigned, even though all icons are correclty set in editor after script execution.

Here’s the code that changes the icons:

static void SetApplicationIcon(BuildTargetGroup platform, bool isPaid)
		Texture2D[] iconSet;
		int[] num ;
		if (platform == BuildTargetGroup.Android) {
			iconSet = new Texture2D[5];
			num = new int[] {144, 96, 72, 48, 36};

		} else if (platform == BuildTargetGroup.iPhone) {
			iconSet = new Texture2D[7];
			num = new int[] {152, 144, 120, 114, 76, 72, 57};
		} else {
			Debug.LogError("Switch to ANDROID or IOS platform");

		for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++) {
			int n = num*;*
  •  	if (isPaid) {*
  •  		Texture2D icon = new Texture2D(n, n);*
  •  		icon.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/Icon/Icon_" + n.ToString() + ".png"));*

_ iconSet = icon;_
* } else {*
* Texture2D icon = new Texture2D(n, n);*
* icon.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(Application.dataPath + “/Icon/Free/Icon_” + n.ToString() + “.png”));
_ iconSet = icon;
PlayerSettings.SetIconsForTargetGroup(platform, iconSet);

I’ve found out that when I press “Build” button and then cancel it right away, the icons are already unassigned in Player settings.
If I set icons with mouse by drag’n’dropping, then the icons are set properly.
How to tell Editor to remember the icons?
Thanks in advance!

I’ve fixed it by moving icons into the Resources folder and loading them with

icon = Resources.Load("Icon/Icon_" + n.ToString()) as Texture2D;

instead of

icon.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/Icon/Free/Icon_" + n.ToString() + ".png"));

I had the same issue. I was loading the Texture2D by reading the file bytes myself into a new Texture2D. I fixed it by simply loading the Texture2D using AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath. I did not want to solve it by using Resources.Load because I am worried that putting the icons there will increase the size of the final build file (I build for Android).