It has come time for me to upgrade the Unity version I am using from 2019.3.6 to 2021.3.11 LTS.
This is due to the fact I need the latest available version of Unity IAP in order to have a new upload accepted by the Google Play Console. (The latest Unity IAP uses Play Billing Library 4 which is now required).
I have my project saved and up to date on my Plastic SCM repo, a zipped file on my PC and also uploaded that zip to my drive. It is safe. I will now go ahead and perform the update on my machine.
My Question is, how will Plastic SCM handle this update? Specifically, my colleague who works on this in production project with me, how should he go about updating his project? Should we both manually update our Unity version and then make a commit to our existing Plastic project repo? Or do we both upgrade and then create a brand new repo?
Thanks in advance for any much needed help on this,
Hi, you can commit it to your existing project repo. And then, I recommend your colleague use the Plastic GUI client to check out all incoming changes, including the Unity version upgrade, which will be reflected in the ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt. After the checking-out process, I would have him open the project with the matching Unity version editor.
Thank you very much for the response. I have since completed the task and it wasn’t as scary as I was expecting it to be. Once everything is backed up in a few locations its safe enough. Dealing with the 7 or 8 errors I got after opening the project with the updated Unity version was easy enough too.
I found a separate thread which helped to answer my question and reflects your answer too. I’ll link it here for anyone who may need it.
This thread highlights the steps you should take to upgrade Unity and use Plastic Scm to push the changes to other team members.
1). Lead programmer can pull all changes from the rest of the team.
2). Lead programmer can update Unity and open the project using the newly installed Unity version.
3). They then fix any compilation errors or other problems that would prevent work from happening due to the upgrade.
4). Push changes to the repo.
6). Other team members should download new version of Unity.
7). They can then pull the changes for the upgraded version of the project.
8). Open the project In the new version.
As long as everyone is on the same platform your team shouldn’t run into any problems.
I however also build and upload from MacOS as well as windows so there were a few extra steps in the form of Merge Conflicts when I pulled the changes on the Mac.