Updating Quest 2 refresh rate causing physics stuttering

Hi community, I’m trying to get my Unity Quest 2 application (standalone) updating the headset refresh rate to the maximum available

Problem: Updating to any refresh rate higher than the default 72 causes the physics to start stuttering. When I grab an object with a rigidbody and start moving my hand I see it jittering/choppy movement

What I’ve tried: OBS shows the in game FPS is meeting the cap 72/90/120, and everything else except physics based movement is buttery smooth. My understanding is that physics has it’s own timestep value Time.fixedDeltaTime. I tried updating that in my refresh rate code below:

Additional info:

My time settings

Unity Version 2021.3.12f1

Any help is much appreciated, thanks

my guy, please tell me you fixed it.

Why did you multiply by 10? Just needs to be 1 / hmd refresh.