Updating to 1.8.0 from 1.7.8 breaks Bolt Community Add-ons

I’m using the Bolt community addons package RealityStop/Bolt.Addons.Community: A community-driven project for extending Unity Bolt (github.com)

And after updating to Visual Scriptping 1.8 from 1.7.8, there’s an error:

Library\PackageCache\dev.bolt.addons@32ad2edd02\Editor\Windows\View\EditorWindowView.cs(13,58): error CS0535: 'EditorWindowView' does not implement interface member 'ISerializationDependency.IsDeserialized'

Does anyone know how I could fix this, or at least keep the good nodes from the community addons without creating a project breaking error?

Just take IMacro off the class name inheritance, and then comment out /* */ or delete the Descriptor (you will get a new error)

public sealed class EditorWindowView : EditorWindow // , IMacro

That’s not the true fix, but that will get everything running

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That definitely got me past the error, but then none of the community addon nodes appear and existing ones break

I did notice that, but assumed they needed rebuilding. Try commenting out the whole EditorWindowView code (or deleting the file), then rebuilding

@CameronDWills I encounter the exact same error! Did you fix it?

Yes, just delete the Descriptor file, I think it’s IMacroDescriptor or something. Then comment out IMacro like they said up there. It should work.

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It did that and it broke all my Visual Scripting scripts. Of course I have backups.

What appear on the GameObjects where I had scripts before:

The errors that are being thrown when I try to edit direclty one of the VS script:

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Still no luck, so I’ve just downgraded to 1.7.8 for now


This error isn’t caused by Unity but by the plugin Bolt Addons Community. Last commit made to the repo was done 7 months ago. And it only modified the readme.md to add

So you’ll need to fork the project yourself or find somebody who has already forked for a chance for a fix. Because the main project will probably never be updated.

Hi, I tried to transfer, and at me it turned out, the truth not everything, but at least though something! I have Unity version 2022 and everything works, I created a repository you can look

It`s working as the Trindenberg said.

What I did:

  1. Copy and rename whole community addons folder [UnityProject\Library\PackageCache\dev.bolt.addons@32ad2edd02] to [UnityProject\Packages\dev.bolt.addons] - this will make local copy of the addon, so it will be not replaced by auto-update etc.

  2. Comment out the “, IMacro” part → dev.bolt.addons\Editor\Windows\View\EditorWindowView.cs

public sealed class EditorWindowView : EditorWindow //, IMacro
  1. Comment out the Descriptor → dev.bolt.addons\Editor\Windows\View\EditorWindowViewDescriptor.cs
namespace Unity.VisualScripting.Community
    public sealed class EditorWindowViewDescriptor : MacroDescriptor<EditorWindowView, MacroDescription>
        public EditorWindowViewDescriptor(EditorWindowView target) : base(target)

Working for me in Unity 2022.3


Hi i know the problem has been solved but here is the github where i fixed the error and added a few new nodes : GitHub - S2NX7/Bolt.Addons.Community: A community-driven project for extending Unity Bolt

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cheers for the update fix and VisualScriptingCommunity v1.1 - the new nodes look interesting:

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No problem just make sure to use this : https://github.com/S2NX7/Bolt.Addons.Community.git and not the one you linked but yea the Bolt.Addons.Community has all the nodes Besides the subgraphs in the one you linked.

I have more control over the bolt community addons and now can provide updates and new feature to the original package : GitHub - RealityStop/Bolt.Addons.Community: A community-driven project for extending Unity Bolt