Updating to 2.3.1 deleted all of my editors

I updated Unity Hub while a project was open so i could multitask but it deleted (Permanently, it wasn’t recycled) not all of the editors i installed using the hub. The one that wasn’t installed using the hub is still there but the “modules.json” file was deleted as well as all the modules that were installed with it so now i can’t install modules either (Or reinstall the old ones)

Yes I just updated and it lost track of all the editors - you will still find them installed on disk but why would the Hub forget?
Really poor testing there (and the hub is updated a bit often)

I didn’t lose track, it actually deleted all the versions on my drive. I even checked the temporary locations for the editors but it wasnt there.

Yeah, I just updated to unity hub 2.3.1, and it deleted all of my editors as well. I had shortcuts to editors on desktop and those shortcuts don’t work. Makes no sense that updating the hub deletes all of your editors as well…

While I was browsing for this issue I saw that the Unity Hub will delete everything in its root installation folder and I checked the settings…Unity Hub installs Editors within it’s install location… Thus all of the editors will just get deleted when there is an update…Seems like a bug. Just have to reinstall all the versions over again.

Thank you for letting me know about that, I’ll just move the editors somewhere else now that I know about this

Wow! I’m sorry this happened to you and I can imagine how frustrating it must’ve been re-downloading all the different Editors. Do you by any chance remember how the Editors ended up inside the Hub folder? Did you use the default Editor installation directory? Thanks in advance!

Yeah I’ve done that on a few of my devices just to stay organized so I thought it wasnt gonna be a big deal.

Have you done this recently? Normally there’s a safeguard in place, preventing a user from setting the Editor installation directory inside the Hub’s installation directory. Like @FurkanSz said, the Hub will delete the contents of its own installation directory as a part of the update. Clearly the safeguard isn’t working as expected so we’re looking into this. Thank you for reporting the issue!

You’re welcome! No, it’s been like this for a while now (about a year). But I’ve done this more recently on another PC as well (October 2019). Both of them weren’t installed on drive C because it wasn’t the drive where I kept big programs

@BasilUnity I know this is a slightly different bug but it lost all knowledge of unity installations for me, even though they existed in different places. Is this a known issue / tested?

This is odd, given that we do test for this case, but you’re not the only one reporting the issue. Do you by any chance have the Hub’s info-log.json with data from before and after the update? If yes, could you please upload it? You can find it here:

  • Windows: *%APPDATA%\UnityHub\logs*
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/UnityHub/logs/
  • Linux: ~/.config/UnityHub/logs/

No but it is windows 10 and I have installed the editors to different drives. Anyway for now I can add installed editors again easily enough

Oh! So you’re saying that during the update, Hub deleted Unity Editors across different drives?

No I said it lost ‘knowledge of’. It should keep a list of installed editors shouldn’t it?

Hi, I have the same problem with this version (3 editors in ‘Installs’ and nothing after update) and also an exception at 1st startup of Unity Hub.
On my disk, I still have all editors under ‘C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor’ : 2017.4.37f1, 2018.4.21f1, 2019.3.4f1

Startup problem :
{“moduleName”:“App”,“level”:“error”,“message”:“[ ‘Failed to start Unity Hub, reason: TypeError: releasesList.filter is not a function’ ]”,“timestamp”:“2020-05-07T07:36:26.448Z”}
{“moduleName”:“App”,“level”:“error”,“message”:“[ ‘TypeError: releasesList.filter is not a function\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\unityReleaseService.js:55:8\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:3543:27\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:4881:15\n at baseMap (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:3542:7)\n at map (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:9554:14)\n at Function.flatMap (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app .asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:9257:26)\n at Releases.filterReleasesBasedOnOS (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\unityReleaseService.js:54:14)\n at Releases.get releases [as releases] (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\unityReleaseService.js:76:22)\n at EditorManager.getReleases (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\editorManager.js:824:27)\n at LearnContentService._getSupportedEditorBranches (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\learnContent\\learnContentService.js:147:26)’ ]”,“timestamp”:“2020-05-07T07:36:26.450Z”}
{“moduleName”:“ErrorBox”,“level”:“error”,“message”:“[ ‘releasesList.filter is not a function\nTypeError: releasesList.filter is not a function\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\unityReleaseService.js:55:8\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:3543:27\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:4881:15\n at baseMap (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:3542:7)\n at map (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:9554:14)\n at Function.flatMap (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lodash\\lodash.js:9257:26)\n at Releases.filterReleasesBasedOnOS (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\unityReleaseService.js:54:14)\n at Releases.get releases [as releases] (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\unityReleaseService.js:76:22)\n at EditorManager.getReleases (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\editorManager\\editorManager.js:824:27)\n at LearnContentService._getSupportedEditorBranches (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\src\\services\\learnContent\\learnContentService.js:147:26)’ ]”,“timestamp”:“2020-05-07T07:36:26.451Z”}
{“moduleName”:“AutoUpdater:EventHandler”,“level”:“info”,“message”:“[ ‘No update available’ ]”,“timestamp”:“2020-05-07T07:36:27.031Z”}

@FredCyx : For your second issue, it appears to be a data corruption with a local copy of the Hub’s release data. Does this happen every time you launch the application or just once?

If this happens a lot, you can try to fix it by clearing the Hub cache. You can do it by deleting the contents of %APPDATA%\UnityHub (the cache is unfortunately decentralized). Keep in mind that doing so will reset your personal settings, such as locations of Unity projects and Editors. The alternative is to uninstall and re-install Unity Hub.

As for the issue with the Unity Hub update resetting (or deleting) Unity Editors, the team has been notified and they are aware of this unfortunate problem.

This happened again with hub 3.3