Upgrade to 2020.2a18: Endless compilation, cyclic references, etc....

I have a project with several packages that works well in 2020.1b13. I upgraded it to 2020.2a18 and now I’m getting cyclic reference errors and endless compilation. Here are the errors along with package list:

Any idea what’s happening? When looking at the asmdefs, I’m not really seeing why it thinks there are cyclic dependencies

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had same issue, just went back to 2020.1 rather than deal with it ___ has a lot less issues than latest 2020.2a (where also rider no longer works for me)

there is no way unitys packages are reference my own libraries which is basically what it was saying for me.

i’m pretty sure it’s the inputsystem package that is breaking everything though

I recently had a similar problem with 2020.1, I think that was due to URP 9.0.0-preview.34. I switched to the old preview and it ran again.

Ended up fixing it by resetting packages to defaults and reimporting the important packages one by one. There was probably one of the packages in there that was causing issues with 2020.2, but I don’t know which one

I found another problem, currently Input system and UI Toolkit are not compatible. In my case, I had other compilation problems where URP 9 was probably the problem. And then I didn’t install the UI Toolkit anymore and solved both problems unnoticed.

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UI Toolkit devs are aware and I believe next version should provide support.