I just upgraded from 5.3.2f to 5.3.5f1, cause of an annoying transform.SetParent Bug.
I have over 40 big animations… all were set to Euler Angles (Quat Approx), so i could see them on andorid. Those animations are all just… not working anymore.
The Editor shows the animations correctly, but in play mode they dont play.
The quaternation rotations are not playing at all and when i switch to eulers they make a 360 ° loop and some ugly glitches. The only animations that work, are those were unity bugged before and created a keyframe each frame for the rotations. Awesome!
Do i need to f**** recreate 40 huge animations? That will cost me a gooddamn week. Im so pissed right now.
Any ideas what i should do? Is it possible to downgrade again? Is there any stable unity version were the animation system is not broken that it wont work in future versions?
The animation system in 5.3.5 is badly broken.
Example: Setting Euler Angles: -15 to 25, but leg goes all the way around from 345 to 25. Or is this an wanted behaviour?
Sorry but how on earth does your quality team work if they cant get something important like rotation to work.
Upgrading from the previous version completely broke the whole animator. I can not even create new Animations for my character as animating specific parts of it break other animations.
My case looks the following; There are specific parts of the body of my character which, when i animate them in an animation that is used in any arbitrary state in the animation controller, will break OTHER states which have no relation to that state.
I have a right upper leg on my character, which just wouldnt animate any more at all if i animated it on 2 states (which can not even transition to the other state, this also happens if i have a state which has no incomning nor outcoming transitions)
When I record, change the rotation and save , unity changes its all rotations like y = 70.238, z = -65.54. Do you get same problem ? I really don’t know what to do… It is really annoying and I can’t create animations.