I’m upgrading my project from 2021.3 to Unity 6, so it’s possible this is the result of an earlier version’s changes. I don’t see anything in the HDRP version upgrade notes about this, though.
What I’m seeing is that my prefabs that contain lights have an incorrect Light Type until I manually open the prefab and save it.
Here’s an example of a prefab instance in a scene, containing a point light:
Now I open the prefab and look at it, and it looks the way it’s supposed (500 Lumens is what it was set to in 2021.3):
It’s worth mentioning that the incorrect display showing Candela is not showing up as a property edit to the prefab. Unity is showing the wrong value there, but it thinks it’s showing the correct value.
I can “fix” this as long as I make any change to the prefab asset, such that it causes the prefab to be saved. I don’t need to change any of the properties of the light. Once I make any change, I can see in version control that a whole bunch of changes have been made to the prefab asset. After saving the prefab asset, if I look at the prefab instance in the scene again, it’s displaying properly, showing “500 Lumen”.
Is this a bug, or an expected outcome of migrating a project to Unity 6? I don’t see any HDRP tools, like the material upgrader, to fix the lights on prefabs. Does one exist? Should one exist? Is there a way I can easily correct this, other than opening every prefab asset in my project and saving it?