Upgrading an existing version of Unity editor?

Hi all.

New to Unity from another engine. My question is around something that should be straightforward so I’m not sure what I’m missing. I tried Googling answers and then some. BTW I’m on Unity Hub 3.10.0. I have no active projects.

I have a Personal Edition license from December, 2023 and somewhere shortly after that I installed editor version 6000.0.17f1. I’ve been busy with life and now I’m looking to really dig in.

I’m starting a couple courses on Udemy and wanted to first upgrade my editor to the latest and greatest. I can’t figure out how based on what I’m reading or seeing in Unity Hub.

Under the Installs tab, I only see the version I’m referencing above. The ‘Locate’ button on the top right opens C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor and I can see the version there and installed.

According to what I’m reading, I should be able to “…navigate to the “Installs” tab, select your Unity version, and choose the desired newer version from the available updates in the dropdown menu; then click “Download and Install” to initiate the upgrade process…” but I see no dropdown or other version options to pick from whatsoever.

In the top right I do have an ‘Install Editor’ button enabled but I already have that version installed. It seems I can uninstall the version I have, but I don’t see newer version to install if I did that.

Long story short, what am I missing or what is the correct process to upgrade an existing version of the editor?

Thanks in advance.

BTW I realize there is only minor version upgrades and 6.1 alpha out and that neither will really affect my learning and development, but I just want to make sure I understand the proper process.

There is no way to upgrade an install of the editor.
You install a new one, and uninstall the old one when you’re comfortable you don’t need to roll back (reverting your project in source control).

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To add to the above, you install the new version and then change your project over to the new version in the projects tab (by clicking on the version number).

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Thank you Vertxxyz and Spiney199 for the quick replies.

So weird that I’m reading things that seem to imply otherwise which is why I felt I was going crazy.

This makes sense and I understand the idea of opening the project with the new version (TBD) once I get started.

Thanks again.

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