I just upgraded my existing project to 2020.1 and I’m finding that my animation clips do not work as expected any more.
Firstly, the animation events that I had added to the clips are gone. Secondly, whenever I try to add an event to the animation clip or change any of the animation clip settings (Animation loop time, loop position, etc.), it does not retain those changes even though I click “Apply”.
Is this a known issue with 2020.1 or has something changed in the way animation clips are used? Please help as this likely represents a significant amount of rework for my project.
Same, I just upgraded my existing project from 2019.3.15f1 to 2020.1.1f1 as well and it seems to have changed the animation positions. I’m still trying to see if I can figure out what it did to the animations. For me, it’s like not playing the clip or doing something strange on an offset. Bizarre stuff. Let me know if you find a quick fix.
I’d hate to downgrade or redo the animations again, 2020 gave my project about a 10% increase in framerate.
Update- After looking closer, what I found is that the upgrade process (seemingly randomly) removed motion clips from states in animation controllers. Why it did this for some states and not for others is still a bit of a mystery. Copying the Animation controller & clips from the 2019.3.15f1 backup to the live 2020.1.1f1 version doesn’t fix it. There’s probably some weird serialization process happening on the conversion for the animation controllers and motion clips. The fix appears to be associating each of the motion clips into the states manually again. So for anyone who runs across thisin the future, this might help you or be a clue to another solution.
I bumped into something very similar. Upgrading from 2018.4, states based on blend trees no longer displays any properties and transitions and is now broken and doesn’t work.
It’s a disaster if you have lots of complex animation systems. Moving, copying, or updating animation controllers from 2019 (or earlier) into 2020.1.1f1 or 2020.1.2f1 removes animation clips from controllers and disables the blendtree inspector view from the animation controller. It also modifies certain animation clips as well (such as turning off Loop time and root transform positions).
But hey, at least the focus was on important things like giving everyone dark theme, because, you know, having the editor look different was clearly more important than the animation controllers actually work.