upgrading to 2019 broke mouse click/drag

After upgrading to 2019.3 from 2018 my game does not work properly …mouse click does not seem to respond well, pointer seem to bounce around, mouse up and mouse down were used to place an object onto a grid … this seem to work only sometimes and not accurately …I cant find anything on line regarding this issue, I am losing my mind … I only guess something might be wrong with either input, ray-cast and , something in connection with mouse click/drag ! If anyone has any idea why is this happening please help? is there something I need to do/change to fix my mouse click to work with 2019… thank you in advance any suggestion is appreciated !

reason I upgraded was because i need paint terrain hole feature…

Hi Berir,

This is the wrong forum for this topic. I suggest you post your issue in the Editor & General Support forum.