I’ve been updating my project along with each .x update - 34 has been fine.
Upon updating to 35 quite a few of my TMP have now inherited two SUB mesh objects which has forced me to roll back to 34 because I don’t want to waste time fiddling and I’m assuming this is a bug.
Quick little example - I have a READY button, when pressed obviously displays READY! in RED with a black outline and not much else, but now these additional SUB objects have changed my fonts all back to – maybe normal looking – with the exception of ONE LETTER still has the original settings – not sure how this is working out since the entire word “READY” is in the Text Input.
Anyway, that’s my experience - just sharing.
Thank you for any feedback - though I most likely won’t upgrade until 36.
Glad that I’m not the only one that has seen this issue. Just upgraded from .30 to .35 and immediately spotted that my Chinese font setup stopped rendering italics properly.
Because CJK fonts generally do not come with native italic variants by default, my font setup is as follows:
English Font
400 Italics → English Font (native italics)
Fallback → Chinese Font (using italics parameter)
The two lines of text are italics, so before the update, when localized to Chinese, the Chinese font would render properly as italics.
Now with .35, it seems that only the first ever occurrence of the character in the UI would be properly italicized, and the next occurrence would not. See the attached image. This issue persists across the entire UI, i.e. if a character in the font has already been loaded somewhere else, it won’t ever be italicized here.
Toggling Italics on the TextMeshProUGUI component does not recover from the issue, and only subtly changes the spacing.
I believe this may have something to do with the fix for UUM-87529 that landed in .35, and I can confirm that .34 did not have this issue for me, so it must be something in .35.
just checked, as i see there is no feature to change topic type, you can’t even delete self topic, without using crutch flag system, so only creating a new one with proper type is an option.
On some forums mods are very active and edit topics themselves, but here it just stays in the air and sometimes gets auto-deleted-closed because of a community flag, if it was an idiotic one.
(and after that it just says “spam and ads” always, even if there was none (excluding spam, as its a pretty broad term))
Also even if you managed to do that, your deleted topic just stays in the public list with (deleted) on open, but its name remains
Since I have a lot of text components with different fonts, I will probably have to wait unitl they are fixing this. I guess it was caused by this fix of 6.35: