UPM health check failing?

hello my UPM health check fails everytime i’ve did everything said in the pinned posts i have no proxy server running i enabled it then let the address through and stuff did everything for allowing packet manager through windows defender even turning off te fire wall some how I got one project to work but its 3D and I now need to do a 2D project so here I am

I currently have 2019.4.5f1 and 2020.1.0f1 downloadedive tried at leat 20 times to make this thing work ill include my log and diagnostic report here any help is apprciated greatly



6169937–675200–diagnostic_report_05_08_2020__41008_38.txt (1.53 KB)
6169937–675206–upm-diag.txt (1.33 KB)

Hey there, this is a known issue, that we’re planning on solving soon-ish, and backport it to 2020.2, and 2019.4, we’re also checking 2020.1.

Hopefully this helps!

thanks do you know when it’s going to be fixed?