UPM health check

Hello, I used the version of Unity 2018.4.23f1, and today I decided to download the version 2019.4.3f1. I downloaded, tried to run my project, which was previously on Unity version 2018.4.23f1. The result of this is an error, I decided to create everything from the beginning, created a new project, there was the same error when loading. I started the diagnosis, I waited. an error was displayed, I went to the file in which the results of the diagnostics were located and there the following:

Ran 7 checks
5 succeeded
1 failed
1 returned a warning
✅ UPM registry reachable (PASS)
Make an HTTP request to the UPM package registry
>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>> X-Powered-By: Express
>> Provider: Genesis
>> Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2020 13:02:08 GMT
>> Connection: close
✅ Ping UPM registry (PASS)
Measure the latency of the UPM package registry API
>> 5 pings made in 6.062 seconds
>> Average latency: 178.20 ms
>> Minimum latency: 175.84 ms
>> Maximum latency: 180.41 ms
>> Standard deviation: 1.98
⚠️ Ping UPM download (WARNING)
Measure the latency of the UPM package download endpoint
>> 3 pings made in 5.022 seconds
>> Average latency: 98.92 ms
>> Minimum latency: 91.16 ms
>> Maximum latency: 103.95 ms
>> Standard deviation: 6.82
✅ UPM registry download speed (PASS)
Test the Internet connection using the UPM package registry
>> Measured speed to the UPM registry: 9.36 Megabits per second
✅ Speedtest.net (PASS)
Test the Internet connection using Speedtest.net
>> Measured speed to the Speedtest.net server: 10.42 Megabits per second
✅ HTTP proxy environment variables (PASS)
Detect whether proxy-related environment variables are set (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, ALL_PROXY, NO_PROXY, UNITY_PROXYSERVER, UNITY_NOPROXY)
>> No proxy support has been configured through environment variables.
❌ UPM health check (FAIL)
Start the UPM process and call its health endpoint
>> Server started but did not respond to health requests:
>> Error: ETIMEDOUT```
How to fix what to do? Help me please. (thank you in advance)

I’m having the exact same issue

Yeah It happened at the same time for me too.

Did everyone decided to update unity at the same time and have the same issues. Also pls share the fix to the problem, Thank you. Also i tried this forum https://support.unity3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044381032-I-cannot-open-Unity-and-I-am-stuck-with-a-message-saying-Could-not-establish-a-connection-with-Unity-Package-Manager-what-can-I-do-?_ga=2.92393373.1061264873.1594605536-126294340.1567132697 but sadly i’m unable to find the package manager in my inbound rules

If it’s not appearing in your Inbound Rules, that usually means it was not installed correctly. You’ll want to make sure that it is installed within the correct priviledges as these get added during installation.