uRecord - Record gameplay in full HD and beyond! [Released]


uRecord : Asset Store Link
Grab the free version : http://www.wellfired.com/urecord.html#ove-versions


uRecord is a recording plug-in for Unity. It allows the user a simple one click recording process, rendering straight from the editor to a video file. uRecord is a framerate independent recording solution, which means you can render out your game at a full HD resolution at a silky smooth 60, even if your hardware cannot support it!

Create WOW worthy advertisement materials with a single click!
uRecord is the only solution that allows you to go from In-Game to In-Video in a single click!

key features:

  • Record your game at full HD resolution, with a silky smooth frame-rate! on practically any computer.
  • Easy to use, single click recording.
  • Full support for user defined presets.
  • Cross platform support, record straight out of the editor.
  • Full access to all raw assets, video compilation process is optional, if you have the tools and know-how to do it yourself!

Recorded with uRecord:

A small example of the quality you might expect to capture from uRecord!


An example video output with uRecord’s One-Click video creation process (Enable HD, or follow the direct link for the best viewing experience)

This was recorded on a 2009 13 inch entry level Mac Book :

Feel free to get in touch with any comments, suggestions!

Well Fired.

Hey thanks a lot! That seems very cool :slight_smile:


I’m glad you’re interested, I’ll be sure to post here when the package is live, but for now, feel free to try out the free version, linked in the original post.


Hey guys,

uRecord is now available for you to buy in the Asset Store! Remember, you can always try the beta if you’re unsure before you buy.

Happy Recording!

Hey Well Fired-

Great work! Testing out right now and am going to buy it tonight.

2 notes for you:

-You should mention in the docs that checking ‘run in background’ in the player settings, will also allow you to render in uRecord without Unity being the active window.

-I’ve noticed some image changes between the game view 1920x1080 and an uRecord-ed frame at 960x540 w/ upscale=2. The amount of bloom from bloom image effect increases and everything gets a fine grid texture. See below:

EDIT: open the image in a new tab to view full size to see what I mean better.

For now, I have found that rendering @ 960x540 with upscale = 4 or 8, and then batching the image sequence in Photoshop to 1920x1080 seems to make the grid texture barely noticeable. Although rendering at upscale 4 or 8 makes my computer act as if it is about to crash and takes much longer.

And for the bloom I can guess-and-check changing the values in compensate for the increase, but that is not ideal when trying to get the image just so.

Hope that helps and your tool!

Ah, one more. Seems to be using a low res texture on my skybox (4096, trilinear=9, I tried mot MIP=on and MIP=off).
The other arrow point to the grid pattern again, which you can see on the resized 8x upscale seems to take care of.

open in new tab to see detail


Thank you so much for all this information, I can understand why the grid effect is appearing, although I didn’t think it would. I could potentially do something about this, at least I hope so, though I have a small suspicion the issue lies within Unity’s code. I’ll have to do some investigation. Thanks for the pointer!

I still hope you’re enjoying uRecord and that you’re getting what you need from it.

I will add a note about the run in background flag. I guess users don’t want to be forced to watch the thing they’re rendering out :slight_smile:

Well Fired

Ah you got me all excited, I thought you had figured out how to record without slowing the game down while doing it. Nonetheless, nice tool; I’ve written one almost exactly like this (although I think you’ve found a better ffmpeg command, and your interface is nicer than mine).

Hey Ben,

Thanks for the feedback, it’s good to hear positive feedback. If you’ve got potential new version feature requests, be sure to let us know.


Awesome tool.
Can u tell me it’s re-code 4k or 8k :wink: or it’s depend on graphic card.:face_with_spiral_eyes: or anything eles


Would it be possible to save the PNGs with transparency?

What’s the limitations of free version? thanks.

here’s a great suggestion, why don’t you add a link to your product on the asset store. Do you know how to add a link?

Oh Snap! Burn. You got me.

It’s been updated, cheers!


Hello gridside, thanks of the enquiry. The free version is fully featured, however there will be a small watermark in the bottom corner, so if you’re unsure about if this package will meet your needs, it’s always worthwhile trying the free version first!

If you find it doesn’t meet your needs, it would be great to know what we could do to improve the package.


Hello Play-edu,

The tool does depend on the graphics card in some way, since it has to render the output to texture, the images are not re-code and are actually rendered at the desired size (hence the in-editor slowdown :)).

If you’re unsure about if this package will meet your needs, it’s always worthwhile trying the free version first!


Awesome, I’m doing some video using Unity and while scenes run as expected in realtime, I kept getting serious FPS drops when recording. Doesn’t solve the actual FPS issue but my videos look great! Thanks a lot.

Hey Yokai,

The FPS issues are an unfortunate side effect, but as you said, the output videos (should) look perfect. If you’ve ever got anything to share, I’d love to see it :slight_smile:


Unfortunately stuff is under NDA for the time being, but I’ll try to drop something as works goes on.

I recently bought your package. It is very useful for the project I want to use it. However I found it is limited to exporting PNG only and even when I take it to editing software the image sequence is not as expected.