-Hey i made a steam game and i had some persons saying it crashes , the game works fine on my pc and some others as well but it doesnt work for some
-i have a player log / error log of someone that tried to run it on win 11
-Please note i made it wit hUnity 2020.1.6 and DX 12 i dont know if anything has to do with the version or build architecture but anything can help ,my launch is a disaster i think)
I don’t have great news to give you. Unity 2020.1 has been out of support for over 2 years, and DirectX 12 in particular wasn’t very stable at the time. I think you really have two options. The immediate remedy would be to switch your project to use DirectX 11. A more long term solution would be to upgrade the engine to an LTS release, preferably 2020.3, which has over a year worth of fixes and should be much more stable.