As of 5.3.4p4 and up I’m having this really annoying issue when trying to animate a character. Say I want to create an arm rotation from point A to B in a clockwise direction. In earlier version of unity I just had enter record mode, to add a keyframe at point A, move the playhead to where I want it and rotate the arm clockwise to point and that would work perfectly. In p4 and up, the arm randomly decides to rotate anti-clockwise. So instead of just going from 0 to say 45 degress, it goes in reverse from 360 to 45. Why is this happening and how do I set unity so it alway takes the shorter path of rotation?
BUMP anyone?
Seriously??? No one else has this problem?
I have this problem. I’ve actually requested help on unity answers myself. I wish you luck. Keep me posted.
Actually. If you have any older animations, go back and you’ll notice they keep values under 0, and over 360. I have a specific gameobject that is animated fine from a previous build. It has a keyframe with rotation -1.8. Now If I edit that field, and type -1.8 again, it changes it to 358.2. So our old animations are fine, but we cannot make new ones or modify the old ones. You know what this sounds like? A bug. Get their attention, and report it! Otherwise people will switch to older versions to modify animations, as currently that is the only way to achieve correct short-path rotations.
I have exactly the same problem , drives me mad. What is the solution?
Hi had the same issue. I solved it by editing the values in curves. There you can set -5º instead of 355º for example.
Same issue.
We have the same problem since 5.4.4 - we too would be very interested to hear about this. I was able to get around it by editing curves manually, by why are these curves going so out of whack? We never had to do any kind of weird workarounds before, and every monster/character in our game depends on mecanim’s procedural animation to work, making this a very vital issue. The workflow has become extremely stilted to integrating new enemies because of it.
We just entering rotation value manualy, looks ok for now but a hassle
5.4.4 hasn’t been released yet so - probably not.
Issue might be related to this Animation fix released in Patch 5.3.5p6
(786827) - Animation: Fixed rotation values set in inspector restricted to [0,360] degrees when recording animation.
And also over 180 fixes in 5.4. Here are some that might be relevant to this issue.
[739194] Animation: Fixed an issue where euler angles were being shown differently in 5.3 than in 5.2.
[742367] Animation: Fixed an issue where rotation keys created through the inspector defaulted to quaternion curves instead of euler curves.
[786827] Animation: Fixed case of rotation values set in Inspector being restricted to 0-360 degrees when recording animation.
i cannot beleive so many patches and still exist. support replied to me use the 5.4 beta because definetly fixed. But still exist, I had to send them a video proof. why is soo hard to fix a simple rotation problem and I cant imagine big studios doing this workarounds.