Urgent~~The monster body can see through.

someone please help me.
This is my group project.I am animator student , in a group with game designers.They use Unity.

my monster has see through problem.I didn’t turn on any backface cull in 3dsmax and 2 sides…

It looks all fine in max .

I have been researching this many days.
It seems I have to " add Cull Off inside shader."But I don’ t know how to do it.is it possible someone tell me how to do it by step.I will appreciated that forever.

Here is y FBX file.

I can upload max file.if the issue is from max.

A: Is the monster supposed to be transparent? (I’m guessing yes), in those cases you usually DON’T want to see the backfaces of the model. But incase you do the easiest way to do it is to import the Standard built in shader. (Get it from download archives).
Then put it into a Resources folder somewhere in your project, then Aras (Lead graphics programmer at unity I think) has an awesome post on how to set it up! That should also work for the Cull mode, to see what numbers are what.

Thank u .I will try it…hope it works for me.

I flipped normal in 3dsmax and imported to unity.The problem all fixed.^^