URP 2D Pixel Perfect Camera - Post Processing does't work on Stretch Fill

Hi all,

First post here. Honestly I have no clue whether I am doing something wrong here, or this is a bug within Unity.
I am using Unity 2023.2.18f1 , and I am having some issues with the 2D Pixel Perfect Camera in combination with the Universal Render Pipeline and Post Processing.

When I use my setup with “Crop Frame” selected to “none”, “Letterbox”, “PillarBox” or even “Windowbox”, The Post Processing effects that I created through a Volume (global) and a profile get applied. However, when I change the Crop Frame to “Stretch Fill”, the Post Processing is not applied. I have no idea why this is happening. The Post Processing does work within the scene view, it just does not work in game for some reason.

Does anyone know what might be the reason for this behavior? I would really love to use Stretch Fill as Crop type, since it is the perfect behavior for what I’d like in my game. (2D Top-Down RPG)

example with Post Processing working (color temperature is warmer) in windowbox:

example with Stretch Fill active (Post Processing not working):

Thanks in advance, and I hope I posted this in the correct topic.


After some playing around with settings, I found out that setting “Stop NaNs” to true in the Camera → Rendering options fixes this for me. It’s crazy that I found this “Solution” (I think this is more of a workaround?) 10 minutes after creating this topic, since I’ve been trying to fix this for over 10 hours already…

However, I’ll let the topic stay in case someone else has the same issue.

If anyone has a different idea/tip/solution, feel free to let me know! :slight_smile:


I feel your pain, I kinda migrated from Unity 2023 to 2022 because of this, and had to go and fix all my prefabs, scenes and sprites :eyes:

Thank you!