I have tried using the automatic converter. It works on some objects. I then load up those that failed to automatically convert and change their shaders to standard, and then manually convert to URP…while no longer pink…those objects like my trees in the attached picture are messed up looking, big fan blades instead of just leave etc. Here is the Asset I am working with: Trees Grass & Rocks Enviroment Pack | 3D Landscapes | Unity Asset Store
Any thoughts?? Thank you in advance. Unity Version 2022.3
Looks like the leaves used a custom shader that Unity cant automatically convert, it looks like the leaves texture is a mask that could possibly be custom coloured and the alpha is then clipped so only the leaves are available.
You could try to recreate the effect in shadergraph which is probably easier than learning HLSL where you add the colour to the image tex, but no simple solve for custom shaders I’m afraid.
Thank you for the quick follow up and information. I’m with the impression a lot of my issues could be solved by not using a URP build. I unfortunately do not have the Unity Experience to be customizing and adjusting shaders yet. I will try finding assets for now that do not contain custom shaders…if that is a thing. Thank you again.