URP GameObject to 3D Core with a Shader Graph

Hi guys, I’m new to Unity and I need a little help.

I have created an object in 3D URP and have created a shader graph material so I can adjust the colouring and how it looks. However, when I try to export the object (with the material) into my 3D Core project, the material and object is pink and I can’t change that.
I have tried to create a custom package to export it but I’m not sure how to write a json file that is needed.

Video that I used to create the shader graph and object: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GPvI-5bOSk

The video I used to try and create a custom package is called "Creating Custom Packages in Unity! (Tutorial)"

Any help would be amazing :slight_smile:

Material is pink (usual meaning: compilation or compatibility error) because 3D URP template uses Universal Render Pipeline while 3D Core template uses Built-in Render Pipeline (legacy rendering tech).

I’ve never had a reason to try this myself but add Built-in RP to the compilation targets for this Shader Graph file:

Screenshot 2023-11-23 103758

I’ve just given it a try by adding Built-in RP to the Active Targets and then exporting the package to my other project. The material is still pink. I saw a video about fixing pink materials and it said to change the shader to a Standard Shader so I tried that but it just turned the material a grey colour.

I also encounter an issue when I drag the model into the game it is white although when I add the material to it, it changes to whatever colour the material is.
This is proving more challenging than I thought it would be.

This field should list the name of your Shader Graph not Hidden/InternalErrorShader

Screenshot 2023-11-23 113351

If I’m not mistaken this looks like material data can’t find your shader and this is why it’s pink. So it could mean this is faulty/partial data export not a shader issue (or both).

I think I’ve just found a way to create the shader graph in 3D core. FINALLY. Thanks so much for your help😁

I hope you realize that you can just install Shader Graph package to 3D Core (Built-in RP) template projects. Because that’s way more convenient than doing this.