URP jitter bug with Pixel Perfect Camera and Cinemachine in Editor in Unity 2023.1

Good morning. Recently I needed to convert my project to URP, but after that and changing pixel perfect camera to URP one, I faced a really annoying bug which, I suppose, has to do with Pixel Perfect Camera of URP not supporting Cinemachine’s pixel perfect extension. It is supposed to fix cameras fighting each other, but, sadly, it doesn’t, you get different camera size every 2-3 seconds and if you click solo on virtual camera, flashing images warning, you will get camera size changing several times a second. I’ve created a sample project with core 2D URP and reproduced this bug and you can download this sample project here: GitHub - VasiliyWebDesign/URPPixelPerfectCameraCinemachineBug
I can provide any additional info needed and will be really happy if someone could help me with it.

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Thanks for the project. We’re taking a look at it. I suspect this falls in the domain of the 2D team, but I don’t want to send you in circles since I see that you originally posted on that forum. I’ll try to find out what’s going on and get back to you.

The 2D team tells me (unofficially) that this might be an editor-only bug. They will look at it properly next week.

Sadly, it seems for me that it’s not, this bug just behaves differently in-game,and in my opinion it behaves worse. Will explain: My project uses raycasts to click on scene objects on screen, and the problem is that when I converted the project to urp and faced this bug, I realised that yes, in editor you get flashing changes between big and small camera size, but in playmode you get one size rendered on screen while the other, actual size, is sadly not shown at all, which results in a situation where you click on a big circle, hoping to get an interaction, but you don’t, because you are sending raycasts to nothing actually. You can only get an interaction if you hit the other size objects position, which can be seen in editor as a small circle. I’ve added the additions(which include 1 raycaster script and new input system) to the not-only-editor branch of the previously sent repository, which can be found here: GitHub - VasiliyWebDesign/URPPixelPerfectCameraCinemachineBug at not-only-editor


I think your best bet at this point is to report a bug using Unity/Help/ReportABug. Do it from your test project, so that it gets packaged and included with the report. Reporting a bug that way will ensure that it gets tracked and prioritized by the 2D URP team.

Okay! Hopefully it will work. Thank you for your time! :slight_smile:

Have same issue can you help please :frowning: