URP light 2d normalmap gets disabled on runtime

I am using URP as 2D renderer and everything is ok: I can create 2d lights and they work very nice using normalmaps during design time, but when I click on “Run”, the property gets disabled and can’t be changed via scripts as it is a read only property:

_myLight = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren();
_myLight.normalMapQuality= …


Please, somebody help me!!

Aaaaahm… I dunno if it is about a bug or not, but I found something at:

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.1.3f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.render-pipelines.universal\Runtime\2D\Light2D.cs

There’s a boolean serialized field that is set to false:

[SerializeField] bool m_UseNormalMap = false; // This is now deprecated. Keep it here for backwards compatibility.

And then, in Awake() we have this:

*if (!m_UseNormalMap && m_NormalMapQuality !=

m_NormalMapQuality = NormalMapQuality.Disabled;*

So we have that NormalMapQuality is always set to Disabled. As I said, I dunno if it is a bug, but I found no solution anywhere, no answers in forums and I needed this working, so I changed the initial value from false to true in the Light2D.cs file (I had to grant write permissions to do it), I started my project and I replaced all my spot 2d lights with new instances. Result: working.

I think an easier solution based on @YupiNawate suggestion is to set the value for all the m_UseNormalMap fields in the scene file (.unity file) to 1 once.

My answer to this was to fix it in the editor for Light2d, so that if you set a value for the quality OTHER than disabled it changes m_UseNormalMap to true. Then things get saved properly and not reset on load.

This is the function that handles the Normal Map settings. I added the one line marked.

void DrawNormalMapGroup()
            m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout.value = CoreEditorUtils.DrawHeaderFoldout(Styles.normalMapsSettingsFoldout, m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout.value);
            if (m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout.value)
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_NormalMapQuality, Styles.generalNormalMapLightQuality);

                EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(m_NormalMapQuality.intValue == (int)Light2D.NormalMapQuality.Disabled);
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_NormalMapZDistance, Styles.generalNormalMapZDistance);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    m_NormalMapZDistance.floatValue = Mathf.Max(0.0f, m_NormalMapZDistance.floatValue);
                ////  Add this line to make it preserve the values you set
                m_UseNormalMap.boolValue = (m_NormalMapQuality.intValue != (int)Light2D.NormalMapQuality.Disabled);
                ////  End Changes