URP light is ugly as sin

The attenuation is such that dynamic elements easily get too close to a light source, lights blow out the values, and colors turn to ****. So we have to basically write our own lighting engine in order to have lighting that doesn’t look horrible. Great job unity!

According to unity the solution to its ugly as hell lighting is to use aces tonemapping. Basically… the solution to overexposed lights is ‘darken everything’ … are you serious? What am I missing here? Quake engine had beautiful lighting with smooth, tasteful, not ugly as **** attenuation 30 years ago.

Thirty. In this industry. Can you imagine? That is completely absurd. It’s just absolutely unbelievable.

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It’s how linear light works. It’s “correct”. I’m not crazy about it either but it’s the standard now. The problem with Unity is the somewhat lacking tonemapping options more than the falloff themselves.

I do still like the old gamma workflow more though, but that may be just because I’m getting old now.

ACES is industry standard for tonemapping, you have quite a bit of options to compensate ACES darkness.

And…Quake lighting is baked, just like all Valve games with some exceptions.

Nah I think the industry is moving away from ACES, I guess that Unity implemented it was proof, they’re always late to the party.

Baked lighting also has falloffs that look different in gamma and linear so not sure what it being baked has anything to do with anything.