Hi there,
I’m getting funky results when importing my normal maps and using them in a material with a Lit shader.
I’m creating the normal map at runtime, getting it from a web server. I’m not using UnityWebRequest.GetTexture
, as I know that I need the texture to be linear.
I need the normal map to be imported as default texture type, not normal. What i’m “simulating” here is a texture imported at runtime from the web, where the option to import it as a normal map is not available. Here are the results:
Imported as default texture
Imported as normal map
Can someone help me understand why I’m getting this result? I remember doing the same thing with the Build-In RP and it worked fine. Can I not use normal maps this way with URP?
I’m using Unity 2021.3 with URP 12.1.15
I don’t get it? you want the normal map to be a default texture?
change the type at the top where it says Normal Map and don’t use the texture in the normal map slot
As I said, I can’t. The textures are loaded from a PNG on a web server. I’m creating the textures at runtime, so there is now “import them as normal maps”.
What i’m presenting here is just a “simulated” result of what i’m getting when using those runtime imported normal maps.
ok, what is the code are you using?
Hi, I did some digging on the topic and came across this post from another thread: Convert 2DTexture to Normal Map format realtime.
Hope this helps.
Blockquote ok, what is the code are you using?
This is the method I use for creating the textures from a base64 string representing a JPG or PNG image:
private static bool TryFromBase64(
string base64Str,
out Texture2D output,
TextureFormat format = RGBA32,
bool mipChain = true,
bool linear = true,
bool compress = true,
bool highQualityCompression = true,
bool makeNoLongerReadable = true,
FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear,
int anisoLevel = 1)
output = null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64Str))
return false;
byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Str);
if (buffer.Length == 0)
return false;
output = new Texture2D(4, 4, format, mipChain, linear);
bool success = output.LoadImage(buffer);
if (!success)
output = null;
return false;
if (compress)
output.filterMode = filterMode;
output.anisoLevel = anisoLevel;
if (makeNoLongerReadable)
// LoadImage() creates a texture that is marked as readable. For performance reasons we should mark
// it as non-readable as much as possible.
output.Apply(mipChain, true);
return true;
I don’t think this is related, I don’t manipulate the image, I just use it as it is.
Hi, I did some digging on the topic and came across this post from another thread: Convert 2DTexture to Normal Map format realtime.
Hope this helps.
Yeah, I stumbled this thread too, but didn’t find anything applicable to my problem. @bgolus mention the linear/sRGB thing but I already made extra sure that i’m creating linear textures for normal map.
EDIT: not to mention the fact that both my normal maps looks the same in the preview window, not like the example where the sRGB texture looks washed out:
EDIT2: I don’t use UnityWebRequest.GetTexture
, i’m getting the raw bytes.