Am i stupid or smthing?
Old system:
Add Camera, Add another one, make it render only UI,
Remove UI from layers in Post-process. Done.
New System:
Nothing works…
I tried:
- Using Render Pipeline system, to render UI after Post Process via:
a) Custom Render Feature
b) Adding “Render Objecs”, Event: AfterRenderingPostProcessing, Queue : Transparent, Layer : UI - Camera stacking → Add Camera, make ir overlay, make it UI only, Disable Post Process
In both situations it STILL render Post Process over UI.
I need help, i googled a lot and it looks like there is no solution for URP to disable Post Process on UI as some threads are just old and those solutions doesn’t work OR they are unanswered, but there has to be.
And can some one explain to me why Unity does something like Render Final PostProcessing Pass ? Why does it have AfterRenderingPostProcessing if it will still override it?
UNITY 2022.3.16f1