URP - Scene Color node not working correctly

I’m using Scene Color node in a Custom Render pass, but it only seems to display the screen correctly when inserted in the “After Rendering Transparents” or “Before Rendering Post Processing” render pass.

However I want to use it before rendering transparents.

If you set it to anything else the texture shows other cameras (like the scene view camera) or if you select the camera in the hierarchy then it shows a much lower resolution image.

Unity 2019.4.2f1
URP: 7.4.1

Opaque Texture is enabled on the Render Pipeline.
Transparent set on the output node. (tested both)

“Note: In Universal Render Pipeline this Node returns the value of the Camera Opaque Texture. See the Universal Render Pipeline for more documentation on this feature. The contents of this texture are only available for Transparent objects. Set the Surface Type dropdown on the Material Options panel of the Master Node to Transparent to receive the correct values from this node.”
