URP Some Assets Still Pink After Generating.

Hey all, I’m a bit new to the shader side of Unity, so I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a problem I’m having.

I’m currently working on a worldspace, and I purchased a few low poly assets to help speed along the process, namely Azure Nature, Northern Story, and Low Poly Survival Kit.

I upgraded all project materials to URP, but some of them are still pink. Strangely enough, some assets such as the ivy from the survival kit converted alright, but other materials remain pink.

What’s the process for fixing something like this? I tried changing the shader to the standard “lit” one from URP but that just made it all pure white.

Hi, you’ll have to do this for each material individually, but at least it works:

  1. Change the shader to Universal Render Pipeline → lit (as you have done)
  2. Now under the “Surface Inputs” option, change the base map to the appropriate texture by clicking on the small circle on the left of “Base Map”. Choose the correct texture for that material.

Before step 1:

After step 1:

After step 2:

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That worked! Thank you so much!!!

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