URP Unlit shaders still seem lit on device - in sunlight?

Just wondering if there is some sort of setting if we just want a regular Unlit texture (true to the texture, no external lighting effect)

No setting; using URP/Unlit or the Unlit shader graph target is sufficient.

it seems that in brighter settings such as outdoors, the unlit texture becomes bloom brightened (?)

is there a way to preserve true texture colors?

That should not be the case. It certainly doesn’t happen in the simulator. Feel free to file a bug report.

It occurred to me that i might be doing runtime shader replacement using the wrong names - and then i noticed that there does not appear to be a list of shader names available, still!

Is it called URP/Unlit or “Universal Render Pipeline/Unlit” ??

Is there a explicit list of shaders supported?

It is called “Universal Render Pipeline/Unlit”.

Yes, in the documentation.