URUK's Chronicles : new Unity 3D game on Kongregate

Hi everyone

We are happy to published our first game on Kongregate HERE (in the contest, vote 5 stars for us;)).

It is a re-packaged stand alone version of a multiplayer RPG, hack and slash style on which we work.

One of our initial artwork

An ingame screenshot (not last version, GUI have been updated)

We need a lot of review, please, thank you to go to test and tell us what you think!

Alewinn and the team Klakos

Awesome, Its just great.

Awesome! this was the word i said when i looked at these pictures, but when i played the game i was like OMG! so cool… What i want to say is this that the game is just great!

Thanks a lot for this! It’s hopeful!

I registered on the forums to tell you this game is great :slight_smile: i enjoyed playing it and i hope to see it grow !

had a couple of try on this game after beiing recommended by some friends to have a look at it!
obviously there is still a lot of work on it! quiet a few bugs or the sound track, to extend the difficulty level etc etc etc but I really enjoyed this new concept of beiing able to choose who is your ally and who’se not while in game! I’m looking forward to see further devellopments in term of quest, equipment and so on!

all the best to the team!

Firstly , the game is awesome man.

i want to ask specific question about GUI:

when i move the mouse cursor over any GUI , there is another GUI.Box open and show itself. How did you do GUI ? Could you explain it to me?

Hi cemC

Thank’s a lot.

Unfortunately, there is not simple answer to your question. In fact we develop our own customized GUI for RPG. This specific feature is in our pipeline integration. Currently, it’s too rough to be released, but you can have a look on the asset store, maybe it already exists something quite similar.

i mean that it is similar to GUI Tooltip but it does not work in Unity3D. I understant to use GUIStyle or GUISkin. I mention that how to give you GUI tooltip effet(when the mouse cursor over the button,GUI.Box appear on sceen )

Yes, we know that. This feature doesn’t work in Unity. We used native Unity objects to do it in order to optimize our time but it’s not a native Unity feature. We built our own tools to generate atlases, and we created a complete in-house class hierarchy to manage our tooltips effects (GUI box appearing when mouse cursor is over a button).

Thanks Alewinn

Do you write your classes by using . net? I mean that you write your classes as a DLL or smt like that?


Do you write classes , all components of URUKS Chronocles by using Unity3d(js. or C#)?

Currently we used to work with C# in Unity 3D

Thank you very much Alewinn