US Football Player - Mobile Resolution Character

I’m starting the modeling and texturing stage of a lower poly character model for a US football player (think Madden, not FIFA). I wanted to ping the brains of other developers in here, that might also be football fans, to see if I’m missing some pivotal animations on my current list. Here is the list of animations that I wrote up in pre-production. By the way this will be the official thread for the asset as well, so this would be a reserve.

Animation List:

1.) Idle Variation 01
2.) Idle Variation 02
3.) Idle Variation 03

4.) Running Protecting Ball
5.) Running without Ball

6.) Defend Arm Out
7.) Defend Juke Move

8.) Receiving Ball Catch
9.) Receiving Ball Catch with Leap
10.) Receiving Ball Catch with Dive

11.) Quarterback Scramble
12.) Quarterback Pass

13.) Defense Stance
14.) Block and Grapple
15.) Hike Motion
16.) Kicker Placement Motion
17.) Field Goal/Kickoff Kick Motion

18.) End Zone Celebration 01
19.) End Zone Celebration 02
20.) End Zone Celebration 03

Facial Morphs:

Get Hit/Pain

Capturing a little bit of the process creating these Asset Store and online shop game art assets.

And an even cooler second video, modeling in folds on the uniform and such.

Modeling an NFL cleat. Might give some modeling insight to anyone creating shoes for a character.

Made a lot of progress today. Finished the modeling and now doing some texturing and material setup in Unity. He came in around 3,500 polygons so good for web games, standalone. Will have to test about 30-40 characters on the Galaxy Tab and see if it runs well.

Working my way down to the shoes…tomorrow shoe texturing, some arm band accessory texturing and the modeling/texturing phase is over! On to rigging/animating in 3ds Max after that.

Texturing completed this morning. Time to move on to the animations. I have my work cut out for me given the animation list is about 30 animations or more.

Lookin good

Animation starts out not so pretty. Eventually it gets to a polished look.

Looks weird and jerky from the screen capturing software’s frame rate. It does look nice and smooth in the editor.