Use 3DS Max file in Unity Project


With some friends we want to do a small game project in Unity, using a scene we’ve found:

The thing is that the files available are in 3ds MAX format (.MAX) and therefore not directly readable by Unity.

I tried exporting them from 3ds MAX to a .FBX format that is readable by Unity. I then added this new file to my “Assets” directory but the result isn’t what I expected.

I get the shapes right but all the textures are gone, and replaced by a uniform color (that seems to be the median color of my previous textures).

Has anyone already done a similar conversion? Can anybody tell me if it is possible to get the scene right in Unity?

Thanks in advance!


Materials don’t always get imported properly from a package like 3dsmax or Maya.

You’ll need to setup the material yourself by finding the texture maps that came with the model and assigning them to their associated material properties Unity - Manual: Materials

For things like this you will always have to polish them up in Max and export as FBX. I can guarantee you that a direct, untouched conversion from a 2003 max file is going to be a complete mess.

Thank you for your answers. I’ve kept digging on my side with 3DS Max. There still are some errors when I open the scenes (version compatibility, plugins etc).

Hoping that solving them will do the trick!