Use a script more than once?

Hello Unity3D i have a question about using the same script for more than one character?Is it possible to use the same script for more than one player?the reason why i ask this question is the fact that i have more than one character that needs to do combos and so far i only got one character to do so but i want another one to do it as well.If anyone know i can fix this problem.Can you please tell me how can i?

Script if anyone was wondering
#pragma strict

var combos : combosequence[] = new combosequence[3]; //Combo class. Fill this out in Inspector.
var comboMaxTime : float = 1.0; //How long a timer for combo lasts in seconds. Fill this out in Inspector.
var comboSpanTime : float = .25; //The span of when a combo can start. Fill this out in Inspector.
var comboMidPoint : float = .5; //The position within the maxtime of a combo the span is active. Fill this out in Inspector.
private var currentCombo : int = -1;
private var comboTimeout : float = .0;
AudioListener.volume = 100;
function Update () {
    if (Input.GetKeyDown("u")) Attack();
    if (comboTimeout > 0) DecreaseTime();
function Attack () {
    ComboTime(); //Do all the logic for timing before animation etc.
    animation.Play(combos[currentCombo].comboAnimation); //Play the currentCombo combos' animation
    audio.clip = combos[currentCombo].comboSound; //Set the audio clip to the currentCombo combos' audio
    audio.Play(); //Finally play the audio
    audio.volume = 50;
    //Add logic for hitting enemies etc here!
function ComboTime () {
    if (currentCombo<combos.Length-1 && 
            comboTimeout>0 && 
            comboTimeout>comboMidPoint-comboSpanTime &&
            comboTimeout<comboMidPoint+comboSpanTime ||
            currentCombo==-1) {
    } else {
        currentCombo = -1;
    comboTimeout = comboMaxTime;
function DecreaseTime () {
class ComboSequence {
    var comboName : String; //A name for current attack (might be of use later for tutorial or something else)
    var comboAnimation : String; //The animation name for current attack
    var comboSound : AudioClip; //The audio for current attack

Yes. Its common practice to reuse scripts. Otherwise no one would finish anything. Couple of points to note.

  • Put your input in a separate component from your engine. That way your player(s) and ai can both use the same engine code.
  • Don’t hardcode anything, write every thing in terms of variables that can be adjusted
  • Keep each script to a single task