I have a list of buttons which is created by reading all the objects in an array. This works. But now I want to move the camera target to the transform.position of the object that is related to the clicked button. So if the label of the button says "ObjectX", I want to move the camera target to ObjectX.transform.position.
've been working with gameObject.Find and Transform.Find but I can not get it to work. The code below generates a nullReferenceException. I think I'm doing something wrong with gameObject.Find(toString).transform.position. Basically I need to find the object named as stored in toString (or CreateObjectList01.listOfObjects*) (I tried both into the gameObject.Find() but it didn't work) and get it's position coordinates which is a Vector3 I presume.
* *```* *for (var i = 0; i < CreateObjectList01.listOfObjects.length; i++)* *{* _var toString = "" + CreateObjectList01.listOfObjects*; //converts array objects to type string*_ _*if (GUILayout.Button(toString))*_ _*{*_ _*gameObject.Find("Cameratarget").transform.position = gameObject.Find(toString).transform.position;*_ _*}*_ _*}*_ _*```*_ _*This compiles, but gives me the null reference exception when I click on one of the buttons. Your first suggestion doesn't solve it, the nullreference remains.*_ _*The second suggestion triggers the following error: "Assets/myGUI.js(84,114): BCE0019: 'transform' is not a member of 'Object'. "*_ _*I assume that means it's an array of Objects which is not the same as GameObjects. I did try that before therefore I tried to use the GameObject.Find instead. Is there perhaps a way to convert an Object to a GameObject?
*_ _*Cameratarget exists and toString is not a GameObject but a string. If I try
*_ _*```*_ _var toString = CreateObjectList01.listOfObjects*; //object type*_ _*```*_ _*instead of
*_ _*```*_ _var toString = "" + CreateObjectList01.listOfObjects*; //string type*_ _*```*_ _*I get an error :*_ _*BCE0017: The best overload for the method 'UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(String)' is not compatible with the argument list '(Object)'.
*_ _*Any help would be greatly appreciated!
*_ _*Edit: The string conversion is done (together with string split) to get the object names in the button-labels without (unityengine.gameobject) in them. I tried both the "toString" as a string and object (like mentioned above. And also tried "CreateObjectList01.listOfObjects", neither worked, I think I'm doing very simple completely wrong, just can figure out what.