The newest version of the Use Case Samples project is publicly available in a repo.
What’s New
- In-Game Mailbox use case which demonstrates a way that developers can send in-game messages to their players, including with gifts of various game currencies and inventory items, using Economy, Remote Config, Game Overrides, and Cloud Code.
Updated Unity Gaming Services packages to the latest stable group of packages released as of 2022-08-23.
Mediation updated from 0.5.0-preview.5 to 0.5.1-preview.1
Addressables updated from 1.20.3 to 1.20.5
Updated all Cloud Code scripts to use the most recent versions of the Cloud Code Service SDKs used within them.
Economy updated from 2.0 to 2.3
This update required changes to some method signatures.
Cloud Save updated from 1.0 to 1.2
Remote Config updated from 1.0 to 1.1
If a Cloud Code rate limit is reached, the exception log in the console now includes the RetryAfter value.
Implemented a patch to the User Reporting tool to fix an issue that resulted in an occasional memory leak and errors in the console.
Note: A newer version of the User Reporting tool is not yet publicly available, so this fix has been cherry-picked.
Implemented custom gradle settings files to prevent a dependency conflict warning when switching to the Android build target.