Use DLL in build version

I use the MySql.Data.dll in my project for SQL connection. When I run the poject in editor I can connect to the database, but when I build the project and run the exe in the application can’t connect to database. I tried to put dlls in Assets/Plugins and change API compatibility level to .NET 2.0. Next I restarted Unity editor and then the PC but it isn’t resolve my problem. Any suggestion?

We’re using various DLLs too, for invoking web services, for example. In the editor, they reside in Assets/Assemblies, and after the build, they are in the [ProjectName]/[ProjectName]_Data/Managed folder. This seems to work fine.

What’s the exception you’re getting in the standalone? Check output_log.txt in the _Data folder of the build. Does it have to do with not finding the DLL, or is it something else with establishing the connection to the database?

I found a solution:
Copy all dll started with “I18N” from C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Mono\lib\mono\unity to builded version’s Managed folder.

In output file there was “NotSupportedException”.