Use gameObject as position

I have this script:

#pragma strict

  var prefabToSpawn : GameObject;
  var spawnPlace : Vector3;
  var isTrue = true;
  var rndNum : int;

function Start () {
while(isTrue)  {

  yield WaitForSeconds(1);
  yield WaitForSeconds (rndNum);
  function Update ()  {
      rndNum = Random.Range(0, 3);
  function RunEvent () {
     Instantiate(prefabToSpawn, spawnPlace, Quaternion.identity);

What the script does, is that it spawns a object with some random time apart. But the spawner the script is attached to moves while it spawnes, but the place that my object spawns doesn’t follow this “spawner object”. And thats because i assigned a position that they need to spawn: var spawnPlace : Vector3;
Is it possibly to say: var spawnPlace : GameObject;
So that the position they spawn is where the gameobject i?

make public var spawnOBJ : GameObject; and add the spawner object at its reference in the inspector. and the Instantiate(prefabToSpawn, spawnOBJ.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);