Use Get instead Post

Hi there!

I having a problem about WebRequest is cannot Post a data to my website (https) even I changed a Unity version to 2023 LTS or follow some examples from internet, But the result is still empty fields, I don’t know why it just start this issue,

So I decide to changed to use Get instead
However, I wondering Get is easily to cheat or hack? even I AES encrypted a data before send to that URL?

any idea?


Everything is trivially easy to hack.

If you’re concerned about the user ‘hacking your save files,’ or ‘cheating in your game,’ which is playing on their computer, just don’t be.

There’s nothing you can do about it. Nothing is secure, it is not your computer, it is the user’s computer.

If it must be secure, store it on your own server and have the user connect to download it.

Anything else is a waste of your time and the only person you’re going to inconvenience is yourself when you’re debugging the game and you have savegame errors. Work on your game instead.

Remember, it only takes one 12-year-old in Finland to write a script to read/write your game files and everybody else can now use that script. Read about Cheat Engine to see more ways you cannot possibly control this.

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Thank you very much for the answer!

I don’t know why my website start cannot receive a data by Post from Unity with WebRequest, actually it used to available But now is not,

I thought I have to look at this point
And my issue here

Fastest way to debug network stuff:

Networking, UnityWebRequest, WWW, Postman, curl, WebAPI, etc:

And setting up a proxy can be very helpful too, in order to compare traffic: