Use of CompanionAppDevice in Build. Can I start the server LiveCapture Server in a build?

Hey, I’ve been working with the LiveCapture tools to puppet a face for a virtual avatar, with ‎Unity Face Capture on the App Store

This actually all works well in the editor, but im now trying to build the project and be able to just capture the window of the build and not deal with much of the Editor overhead.

Im scratching my head on how if its even possible to start a CompanionAppServer using the Unity.LiveCapture.ServerManager in a build?

Any thoughts?

I have not heard of anyone using LiveCapture at runtime.

This Thread answers How to use Live Capture to build PC applications but ill also include my comment here.

Copying the live-capture package from the packagecache into my assets and then making some classes public let me run the server in a standalone windows build.