Hello all, I’m very new to Unity and integration with SteamVR and Vive, so please let me know how I can better articulate this question if it isn’t clear.
I’m designing an experiment where people walk back and forth (in the real world) while music is playing, and stop when the music stops. I need to continuously record their x and z positional data. I’ve made an empty room Scene in Unity that is essentially a placeholder (see attachment), because the participant will never actually see it, but I’m wondering if it’s possible to add only an HTC Vive controller as a Game Object to this scene and then continually track its position in space? I’ve downloaded the SteamVR asset, and [CameraRig] and [SteamVR] are in my scene, but I don’t care at all about what the headset is doing – I just want to be able to track the controller and write out a timestamp and position. If I need to attach it I will, but during the experiment it will just be sitting in place and no one will be using it. If someone could give me step by step instructions, I’d greatly appreciate it. In sum, what I think I need to do:
-Add HTC Vive controller as Game Object in scene
-Attach C# script that continually writes out the x, z coordinates and timestamp (current velocity too if possible), preferably to a .txt file