Use particle system to show points

In my game I’d like to give the user points for accomplishing special tasks. I would like these points to appear on the screen at the location where the special task occurs and have them float upwards and gradually fade out. I was thinking that I could achieve this with a particle system but I do not know how I would be able to make the bonus points particles because the points are calculated at runtime. Obviously I can’t make particles for every possible number of points a user can score.

Does anyone know how I can achieve this with or without a particle system?

You don’t need to use particle systems for this.

If you only need the text to appear, float up, and fade out, you can solve this by spawning a 3d text object with a script attached to it that : orients it to the camera automatically every frame, rises upwards on the y axis every frame, and changes the text alpha every frame. When the alpha reaches zero, the script must also delete the game object.

Here is a c# script that does all that for you. To use it you need to:

  • make a 3d Text prefab object
  • assign this script to it
  • instantiate the prefab every time you need to spawn a rising number.
  • after instantiating the prefab, get the RisingText component, and call its setup method

The script:

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;

    public class RisingText : MonoBehaviour
    // private variables:
    Vector3 crds_delta;
    float   alpha;
    float   life_loss;
    Camera  cam;

    // public variables - you can change this in Inspector if you need to
    public Color color = Color.white;

    // SETUP - call this once after having created the object, to make it 
    // "points" shows the points.
    // "duration" is the lifespan of the object
    // "rise speed" is how fast it will rise over time.
    public void setup(int points, float duration, float rise_speed)
	    GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = points.ToString();		
	    life_loss = 1f / duration;
	    crds_delta = new Vector3(0f, rise_speed, 0f);		

    void Start() // some default values. You still need to call "setup"
	    alpha = 1f;
	    cam = Camera.main;
	    crds_delta = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);
	    life_loss = 0.5f;
    void Update () 
	    // move upwards :
	    transform.Translate(crds_delta * Time.deltaTime, Space.World);
	    // change alpha :
	    alpha -= Time.deltaTime * life_loss;
	    renderer.material.color = new Color(color.r,color.g,color.b,alpha);
	    // if completely faded out, die:
	     if (alpha <= 0f) Destroy(gameObject);
	    // make it face the camera:
	    transform.rotation = cam.transform.rotation;		