So , I’m creating a simple turn-based combat (think angry birds epic RPG) , and I stumble on ScriptableObject and use it. basically I created an EnemyBase and PlayerBase ScriptableObject and create an asset for player and enemy from baseSO. (for starter it’s just HP and sprite)
how do you pass the ScriptableObject value to the gameObject? because AFAIK SO is not present in the scene itself, do we still need a presistent gameObject to store the value?. let’s say in a transition to battleScene, the battleScene has 6 blank gameObject (3 enemies and 3 players). how do we get all the value from SO (lets say player1,2,3 / enemy1,2,3) to the respective gameObject?
can we modify the SO value for saving player progress? (let’s say the HP got upgraded after a few battle) , or again is it better to have presistent gameObject that only recieve baseValue from SO but later on we only modify the gameObject?
ScriptableObject looks very light compared to prefab so I wanted to maximize the use of SO instead of single prefab for every player / enemy
On creating scriptable objects:
You don’t need that ScriptableObjectUtility anymore, because CreateAssetMenuAttribute should work similarly. If you really want an implementation that does not require adding that attribute, you need to use reflection to get all the scriptable object types in the project. Throw me a msg, if you need that. The code is a bit lengthy, so I’m not posting it here.
To be clear, I’m referring scriptable objects as instances stored in assets. Scriptable objects can be instantiated like other Unity Objects without storing them to assets, but I don’t have any experience on using them like that.
On using scriptable object instances as assets:
After storing the scriptable object instance as asset, you use it like any other asset. They are not stored in the scene, but in the assets folder (like models, textures, script files etc). You don’t need to copy the data from the scriptable object into a script, you can simply use a reference to it.
You have at least three options to make a reference to it: A) drag the reference in the editor B) load the asset from Resources (in runtime) C) use an asset bundle and get it from there (in runtime).
You can also use a scriptable object to store references to other assets. This way you only have to load the scriptable object and get all the other references via it.
Just remember that scriptable objects are not for saving the game data, because they cannot be modified outside the editor! Use binary/text serialization, json, xml, playerprefs or some other solution for that.
Using ScriptableObject is a great way of storing data for levels, creatures or anything. That said, you need a way to save instances as assets, which is done with an editor script. Fortunately, the Unity Wiki has a generic implementation for it (I tried, it works perfectly). EDIT: as itchyOwl writes, this isn’t necessary anymore, the CreateAssetMenuAttribute can be used for this purpose.
So after you create your ScriptableObject assets you can declare a field in your creature logic and assign the asset to it (possibly with [SerializeField] if you want to assign it in the Editor).
Also, check out this video that explains some of the amazing uses of ScriptableObjects!